Sunday, March 11, 2018


[May the Lord] Send forth your help from the altar [lit. from the sacred], and from Zion [He may] support you.” (Psalms 20:3)

All comes from God, and He sustains and supports His creation. This principle includes the help we need to fulfill our existence, especially when it is according to His will. In this verse King David is referring to a particular kind of help and support that only comes from the sacredness of God’s presence in this world, which is His chosen place known as Zion.

We realize that the Creator has multiple ways to sustain His creation, ones more sublime than others, as we see it in this verse. We have to be sacred in order to approach God’s sacredness.

This ideal requires from us to detach from the negative traits and trends derived from an egocentric approach to life, by embracing the ways and attributes of goodness that are our bond with the Creator of all. For this we need the help that comes precisely from the highest level of our consciousness also known as the altar of the Sanctuary in Zion.

The verses that follow give us the context of the Psalmist’s plea to God.

“[That may the Lord] Remember all your meal offerings and your burnt offerings forever. [To] Grant you according to [what] your heart [desires], and fulfill all your plans.” (20:4-5)

The offerings we bring to the Temple of Jerusalem are commanded by God to make us close to Him. We have mentioned that the Hebrew semantic root for “offering” is the same for “closeness”.

In this closeness we are actually redeemed from anything that prevents our well being, plenitude and self-realization. Hence our desires and plans must be aimed to pursue only goodness in life, as God wants us to experience His ways and attributes in this world.

“Only loving kindness and compassion shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever [lit. for many long days].” (23:6)

If we paraphrase this verse, we understand that in order to dwell in God’s presence manifest in His house, the Temple of Jerusalem, only loving kindness and compassion must lead every aspect and expression of life.

The previous verses in the chapter quoted here refer to what happens in us when we embrace God’s ways and attributes as the ruling ethical principles and fundamentals to experience life in this world.

The outcome is stated in this verse, as the culmination of living in full awareness of the goodness coming from our Creator.

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From the Book's Foreword

Let's reexamine our ancestral memory, intellect, feelings, emotions and passions. Let's wake them up to our true Essence. Let us engage in the delightful awareness of Love as the Essence of G-d. The way this book is written is to reaffirm and reiterate its purpose, so it presents its message and content in a recurrent way. This is exactly its purpose, to restate the same Truth originally proclaimed by our Holy Scriptures, Prophets and Sages. Our purpose is to firmly enthrone G-d's Love in all dimensions of our consciousness, and by doing it we will fulfill His Promise that He may dwell with us on Earth forever. Let's discover together the hidden message of our ancient Scriptures and Sages. In that journey, let's realize Love as our Divine Essence, what we call in this book the revealed Light of Redemption in the Messianic era.