Sunday, June 3, 2018


For a day in your courts is better than a thousand.  I have chosen rather to be at the threshold in the house of my God, than to dwell in tents of wickedness.
(Psalms 84:10)

In this verse we learn again that Jerusalem is the highest state of consciousness where we fully experience goodness as the common bond with our Creator. It is the time and place where we want to live forever, for if we are in God’s presence; what can we lack, miss or yearn for?

Even standing in the proximity of goodness is better than living out in the open of the negative traits and trends of ego’s fantasies and illusions that make life meaningless.

Wickedness is the outcome of our weaknesses to reject the unnecessary beliefs and feelings of lack that pretend to undermine goodness as something incomplete, insufficient, deficient, and lacking that leads to failure. These are precisely the traits and trends of anything opposed to goodness, for it encompasses plenitude.

The ethical ways, means and attributes inherent in goodness are the courtyards of God’s will for His creation, the tents that give meaning to life in contrast to the tents of lower emotions, feelings, passions and instincts that trample the dignity of life, which is goodness.

His [God’s] foundation is in sacred mountains. God loves the gates of Zion from all the dwellings of Jacob. (87:1-2)

As we have mentioned, in the Jewish tradition, “mountains”, “hills” and “high places” represent the highest values, principles and beliefs, by which we conduct our lives in this world. Hence we understand that God’s ways and attributes as presented in the Hebrew Bible are symbolized by sacred mountains.

In this sense, Zion is known as “the mountain of the mountains” as the Prophets remind us (Isaiah 2:2, Micah 4:1), from where God directs His creation. Hence we understand His preference of goodness as His ethical ruling principle that leads the positive aspects, dimensions and expressions of life as Jacob’s dwellings.

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From the Book's Foreword

Let's reexamine our ancestral memory, intellect, feelings, emotions and passions. Let's wake them up to our true Essence. Let us engage in the delightful awareness of Love as the Essence of G-d. The way this book is written is to reaffirm and reiterate its purpose, so it presents its message and content in a recurrent way. This is exactly its purpose, to restate the same Truth originally proclaimed by our Holy Scriptures, Prophets and Sages. Our purpose is to firmly enthrone G-d's Love in all dimensions of our consciousness, and by doing it we will fulfill His Promise that He may dwell with us on Earth forever. Let's discover together the hidden message of our ancient Scriptures and Sages. In that journey, let's realize Love as our Divine Essence, what we call in this book the revealed Light of Redemption in the Messianic era.