Sunday, July 22, 2018


Pray for Jerusalem of peace, in abundance those who love you. (Psalms 122:6)

We refer often to praying and praising, not as a passive but a dynamic process by which we attune our consciousness with what we do.

We pray to evoke God as the ruler of the best in us, in order to allow goodness to be with us, and provide us with what we need us and for those who benefit from us. We certainly pray for goodness to be with us, not with a selfish approach but to make us better to ourselves, and as a source of goodness for others.

We praise, not to experience an emotional or passionate feeling of closeness and attachment to God, but to evoke His ways and attributes and emulate them in what we say and do.

We say “praise the Lord” as the invocation of His loving kindness to awaken our goodness, and be able to manifest it in what we are and do. In this sense praising is acknowledging, thanking and recognizing God’s presence in us, and to express it in our moment to moment engagement to life.

In this verse the Psalmist invites us to evoke the peace of Jerusalem as what makes it complete, wholesome, total, eternal and undivided. As we have said, peace in Hebrew means all these words, for this wholesomeness is the culmination of unifying our consciousness through goodness.

Loving the peace of Jerusalem is living in goodness as the abundance that makes us constantly fulfilled in plenitude. Thus we realize again that love and goodness belong to each other as the source of what we truly are, our essence and identity.

Peace is in your bulwark, abundance in your strongholds. (122:7)

Bulwarks and strongholds share the same qualities, whose function is to protect something. Peace encompasses these qualities as our strongholds, for these are our strength as well as the bulwarks that shield us against anything opposite to goodness, hence abundance is the outcome.

Once we achieve the committed and diligent process of unifying the diverse traits, trends, dimensions and aspects of our consciousness, the end result is peace as the functional harmonized unity that Jerusalem represents.

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From the Book's Foreword

Let's reexamine our ancestral memory, intellect, feelings, emotions and passions. Let's wake them up to our true Essence. Let us engage in the delightful awareness of Love as the Essence of G-d. The way this book is written is to reaffirm and reiterate its purpose, so it presents its message and content in a recurrent way. This is exactly its purpose, to restate the same Truth originally proclaimed by our Holy Scriptures, Prophets and Sages. Our purpose is to firmly enthrone G-d's Love in all dimensions of our consciousness, and by doing it we will fulfill His Promise that He may dwell with us on Earth forever. Let's discover together the hidden message of our ancient Scriptures and Sages. In that journey, let's realize Love as our Divine Essence, what we call in this book the revealed Light of Redemption in the Messianic era.